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Top 10 Things Mailers Need to Know
About Mail Re-classification

At, it is our business to be experts on USPS regulatory changes, including the latest Classification Reforms, which -- according to the USPS -- represents the most signficant change in over 100 years.
Below are the most important Classification Reform facts:
( for the long form, click here. It's rather long)

  1. Automation rates have been significantly lower than non-automation since July 1, 2007. Automation has been the key to incentive & Discount rates.
  2. PAVE certified software is required for incentive rates. Mailers may also generate USPS standardized documentation.
  3. You will be required to group mail by 3 digit schemes defined by the USPS.
  4. More changes are on the way: Non-profit, greater automation incentives, etc.
  5. Effective January 1, 1997 mailers have been required to barcode tray tags for automation incentive rates.
  6. Mailers have been required to use both 1 and 2 foot trays in the same job stream.
  7. Mailers must perform address matching to CASS certified software at least 2 times per year.
  8. Mailers are required to have valid delivery point barcodes on 100% of their automation mail.
  9. Carrier route mail must be matched to a current USPS database at a minimum of 90 days prior to dropping carrier route mail.
  10. Future rates will reflect the cost of delivering mail.

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